Expanding Your Practice: Benefits of Adding Psilocybin Therapy to Your Services

Psilocybin therapy is an impending and recent technique in the field of mental health. They are the psychoactive compounds found in specific types of mushrooms. Psilocybin is a hallucinogenic compound extracted from Psilocybe mushrooms. Psilocybin is used to treat several psychological problems and plays an optimum role in enhancing mental health.

For a couple of years, psilocybin has been shown to have a significant role in allied health sciences. Psilocybin is one of the trending techniques that should be introduced to every healthcare professional. We are going to discuss the benefits of Psilocybin Therapy under a huge spectrum of psychological therapies, mental health, and clinical safety measures.

Historical View of Psilocybin Therapy

Ancient paintings and findings suggest that psychoactive mushrooms have been known for centuries. Wall paintings of mushrooms in Egyptian art suggest that therapy from mushrooms had been introduced a long ago. Since 1970, psilocybin has been in the category of schedule l drug. Due to vast therapeutic benefits, Imperial College London and Johns Hopkins University worked on the advantages of psilocybin therapy and found tremendous benefits of Psilocybin for mental health.  

Why to Introduce as Your Service Addition

There are several positive outcomes to introducing psilocybin therapy as your service addition.

Antidepressant Therapy

Psilocybin therapy shows proven results worthwhile and long-term effects in treating depression. Just a single treatment session reduces anxiety symptoms. An article published by one of the top-notch psychiatry journals shows that this psychoactive compound provides a rapid decrease in depression for up to one month. 

PTSD Relief

Psilocybin therapy is highly potent in treating post-traumatic stress disorder. As per previous research, this magical component in mushrooms relieves stress and reduces PTSD symptoms. Psilocybin lessens the symptoms by neuroplasticity, the brain's power to retract itself by forming new neural connections. This neural formation relieves patients' painful memories and supports feelings of relaxation.

Aids to Quit Smoking and Substance Abuse

According to the Johns Hopkins research, psilocybin therapy helps in quitting smoking. Study reveals that 2 to 3 doses of psilocybin aid in quitting smoking in 12-5 individuals in 12 months, these therapeutic sessions provide a feeling of self-awareness and result in therapy benefits. Treatment of other substance abuse, alcohol, and nicotine was also found.

Motivation During Life-Threatening Diseases

Life-threatening diseases make a person demotivated. He may lose hope to live more. As per meta-analysis around 40% of cancer patients deal with anxiety and depression due to the severity of the disease. Although, psilocybin therapy can do wonders to diminish negative feelings and thoughts in those patients Psilocybin therapy and professional support, improved patient and clinician measures of depression and anxiety, and improved quality of life and life meaning compared with a shallow placebo effect of the drug. Additionally, fewer people reported feeling of dying.

Effectively Treat  Anorexia

Benefits of psilocybin therapy to treat Anorexia have also been found. Anorexia nervosa is not easy to treat but psilocybin therapy shows positive outcomes to treat anorexia. In a pilot study published in May 2022 in Biological Psychiatry on adults suffering from anorexia who took a single 25 mg dose of psilocybin with psychotherapy, 4 out of 5 patients had clinically significant reductions in their scores while filling a questionnaire on an eating disorder. Two of them also reported an anxiety reduction. These results provide great support for psilocybin's potential therapy benefits for anorexic patients.

Neuroplastic Therapy

Serotonin is a happy hormone released in response to psilocybin dosage. This interaction triggers a state of alertness and shifts perception, a feeling of ego disappearance, and a self-analysis of one's emotions. Increases in brain connection and neuroplasticity are correlated with these experiences, creating a favorable setting for therapeutic advances.

Upcoming Research on Psilocybin

The benefits of Psilocybin therapy have become one of the most recent service additions to treat depression and anxiety. Researchers are going on to find more beneficial effects of these potent components. More work is on the way to finding methods of administration, accurate dosage, and perfect strategies for psilocybin therapy. Who knows that more therapy benefits may be found to treat chronic pain syndromes, neurodegenerative diseases, and a broader range of mental diseases.

Safe to use

Psilocybin therapy is safe to use as per the recent findings. The historical misconception has become a myth now. There is not any long-term effect of these psycho chemicals. As per observations, psilocybin therapy is only associated with anxiety during the session but that could be manageable with good therapy techniques.

Connectivity and  Therapeutic Environment

The environment in which psilocybin therapy is used has a big influence on how effective it is. To uplift the treatment success, a regulated, supportive atmosphere guided by qualified experts is necessary. Post-session interactions are also equally important to maximize the benefits of psilocybin therapy. A one-to-one interaction in which clients work with their therapist to digest and integrate their experiences. To maximize long-term benefits, this step entails converting the patient's daily life into concrete adjustments based on the insights gained during the session.

Why Should You Select?

Mental health professionals have an optimum chance to widen their therapeutic toolkit by following psilocybin therapy techniques in their clinical practice. Psilocybin is a promising addition to traditional therapy due to its proven effectiveness in treating anxiety and depression, post-traumatic disorder, smoking, and substance addiction problems. Although cautious handling of clinical safety, ethical considerations, and regulatory barriers is necessary, the advantages of psilocybin therapy greatly exceed these difficulties. With more study and public acceptance, the benefits of psilocybin therapy have the potential to become a fundamental part of psychotherapy techniques. The benefits of psilocybin support positive outcomes if selected as a service addition.


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