What are the 7 Healing Frequencies?

What are the 7 Healing Frequencies?

All of us have invisible energies surrounding us, known as aura. Modern science has finally recognised how this force interacts with many vibrational frequencies within our environment.

According to ancient spiritual traditions, specific frequencies could heal us physically and emotionally. There are seven types of healing frequencies.

They are unique musical tones associated with the seven chakras, the body's energy centres. It is believed that each frequency resonates with a particular chakra and influences its associated physical, mental, and spiritual aspects on our bodies.

But what are the seven healing frequencies? Let's explore this in the article below.

The Power of Music

Music, since its creation, has had a powerful effect on the human body. It is just something that makes us feel everything very deeply. Music is capable of making us emotional, triggering our feelings, memories, and even senses like taste and smell.

It is pretty evident that music is deeply related to science. According to research, "Sound healing is very effective in getting over emotional, generational, and even physical traumas via vibrations and frequencies. 

What are the 7 healing frequencies?

Here is a breakdown of 7 healing frequencies, also known as solfeggio frequencies and chakras, with their effects on the human body:

1. 396 Hz Solfeggio Frequency- Root Chakra

This frequency is said to stimulate and balance the root chakra located at the base of your spine. The benefits of this frequency are listed below:

  • It gives you the power and strength to achieve your goals.

  • It removes the guilt from your body, even if it profoundly resides in your subconscious mind.

  • It helps you overcome the fear that is keeping you from achieving your goals.

  • It lifts away the negative energy and thoughts from your subconscious mind.

2. 417 Hz Selfoggio Frequency - Sacral Charka

The sacral chakra is located at the lower abdomen and is linked to creativity, emotional expressions, and sensuality. The frequency of the lower abdomen and the sacral chakra is linked to creativity, emotional expressions, and sensuality. The frequency linked with this chakra has the following benefits:

  • Wipes out all negative energy from the body and environment.

  • Removes negative thoughts and behaviours.

  • Promotes change in you and your ability to accept it in others as well.

  • Heals trauma from the inside out.

3. 528 Hz Solfeggio Frequency - Solar Plexus Chakra

This frequency is said to balance and energise the solar plexus chakra, located in the upper abdomen. The benefits of this frequency are listed below:

  • It promotes self-confidence and self-esteem, helping you to trust your decisions and actions.

  • It encourages transformation and miracles, bringing positive changes to your life.

  • It aids in reducing stress and anxiety, making you feel more relaxed and at ease.

  • It helps clear the mind and allows for better focus and clarity.

4. 639 Hz Solfeggio Frequency - Heart Chakra

This frequency is said to harmonise and balance the heart chakra in the chest's centre. The benefits of this frequency are listed below:

  • It enhances communication, making it easier to express your feelings and thoughts.

  • It fosters love and compassion, both for yourself and others.

  • It helps heal relationships and promote understanding and empathy.

  • It brings harmony and balance to your emotional state, reducing sadness and loneliness.

5. 741 Hz Solfeggio Frequency - Throat Chakra

This frequency is said to activate and balance the throat chakra located at the throat. The benefits of this frequency are listed below:

  • It aids in self-expression, helping you to speak your truth clearly and confidently.

  • It encourages creativity and innovation, allowing new ideas and solutions to emerge.

  • It cleanses the body of toxins, promoting overall physical well-being.

  • It helps in overcoming problems and bringing clarity and perspective to challenging situations.

6. 852 Hz Solfeggio Frequency - Third Eye Chakra

This frequency stimulates and balances the third eye chakra located between the eyebrows. The benefits of this frequency are listed below:

  • It enhances intuition and insight, helping you to see things more clearly.

  • It promotes mental clarity and wisdom, allowing for better decision-making.

  • It helps in awakening inner strength and self-awareness.

  • It helps in connecting with your inner self, fostering spiritual growth and enlightenment.

7. 963 Hz Solfeggio Frequency - Crown Chakra

This frequency is said to awaken and balance the crown chakra located at the top of the head. The benefits of this frequency are listed below:

  • It promotes a sense of oneness and connection with the universe.

  • It enhances spiritual growth and enlightenment, opening you up to higher states of consciousness.

  • It helps in achieving inner peace and tranquillity, reducing stress and anxiety.

  • It fosters a deep understanding of yourself and your purpose, bringing clarity and direction to your life.

How can you Incorporate The Solfeggio Frequencies and Chakras into your Daily Routine?

Integrating the 7 healing frequencies into your daily routine can help transform your life positively. Here's how you can begin these simple practices;

Use the healing solfeggio frequencies while meditating

Meditation is an effective practice that brings your mind to peace and connects with your inner self. Incorporating the 7 healing frequencies in your meditation routine can deepen your healing experience and enhance the solfeggio benefits.

To do this, find a peaceful place, close your eyes, and focus on the frequency of the sound. Wait for the magic to happen, when the frequency will bring your mind to peace, penetrating deep into your being and taking over you entirely.

Use the healing frequency in your yoga practice

Incorporating the 7 solfeggio healing frequencies into your yoga practice can transform your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. As you practice, focus on the corresponding sound, allowing it to blend with your asanas.

Doing this will deepen your connection with your inner being and bring peace and happiness from the inside!


Incorporating these solfeggio frequencies into your daily routine can be a powerful way to enhance your overall well-being and balance your chakras. Whether you're looking to boost your confidence, improve your relationships, or deepen your spiritual connection, these frequencies offer a natural and effective way to support your journey.


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