How To Get a Short-Term Disability For Mental Health

How To Get a Short-Term Disability For Mental Health

When talking about disabilities, many people can only think of physical injuries and chronic pain. But did you know that disturbed mental health also comes under a disability?

According to research conducted by the National Alliance of Medical Illness, one out of five people in the US goes through mental illness each year, with 25 US adults who have significant mental disability, putting their lives at risk.

The good news is that you can get support and financial relief via short-term disability for mental health. Read this article to know everything about short-term disability for mental health and other relevant details about the claims.

What is a short-term disability for mental health?

Mental health short-term disability is a type of insurance that provides an income replacement for people who have a temporary cognitive disability, like anxiety or depression.

Unlike other disability insurance policies, this short-term insurance explicitly covers mental health conditions, recognizing the fact that disturbed mental health can have substantial adverse effects on one's life.

The insurance typically covers a part of your income for a particular period, allowing you to focus on treating your mental health without a financial strain.

The coverage also covers a few benefits, such as medical treatments, therapies, and other costs related to treating a mental condition.

Can you get short-term disability for mental health? When to seek it?

Mental health conditions like anxiety, depression, losing focus, bipolar disorder, panic attacks, and PTSD can severely affect your ability to work, focus on tasks, and manage everyday life. Trying to keep working while dealing with these symptoms can worsen your condition or even risk losing your job.

Thankfully, you can seek short-term disability policies that usually recognize these conditions, although the details can vary depending on your policy and insurer. If your mental health is making it hard to work, it might be time to seek treatment and explore short-term disability options.

How to claim mental-health short-term disability insurance

Depending on your situation, you may be eligible for short-term disability for your mental health, but specific criteria must be met to qualify for coverage:

  • Policy Definitions: Each insurance policy defines disability and the conditions covered differently from each other. It is essential to review your policy to see how it addresses mental health issues.

  • Medical Documentation: To become eligible for short-term disability benefits for mental health, you must provide all your medical documentation from a healthcare professional or treatment center that proves how your condition impairs your ability to work.

  • Duration and Limitations: Some short-term disability policies have specific duration limits for mental health-related disabilities, which can be shorter than those for physical health conditions.

How long does it take for a short-term mental health disability claim to get approved?

Most short-term disability policies have an awaiting period before benefits begin. This period can vary depending on your claim and may take 7-14 business days to get approved. During this approval time, the applicant must be unable to work constantly because of their disability.

Once your disability claim is submitted, the insurance company will review it in detail. This process can take a few days to several weeks, depending on the complexity of your claim, the medical attention you require, and the efficiency of your insurance provider.

After the claim is approved, the payment usually starts soon after the waiting period. Most insurance policies claim to start payment as early as 2-3 weeks after the claim approval. However, this period can vary.

What if my claim for short-term disability for mental health gets denied?

Before moving to what you can do about a denied short-term mental health disability claim, here are a few reasons why your claim can get rejected:

  • Insufficient or improper medical documentation: Lack of detailed medical records or proof of your condition's impact on your ability to work.

  • Pre-existing condition: If your mental health condition existed before your policy's coverage began.

  • Policy exclusions: Your policy may exclude certain conditions or have specific requirements that aren't met.

  • Missed deadlines: Failure to submit your claim or necessary documentation within the required time frame.

  • Non-compliance with treatment: Not following the prescribed treatment plan or attending necessary medical appointments.

  • Insufficient evidence of poor mental health: The insurer may believe your condition doesn't sufficiently impair your ability to work.

What to do about it?

If your short-term disability claim is denied, there are steps you can take:

  • Understand the reason: Review the denial letter carefully to understand why your claim was denied.

  • Gather additional evidence: Collect any further medical records or documentation that supports your claim.

  • Consult with your healthcare provider: Ask your doctor for more detailed documentation or a letter explaining your condition and its impact on your ability to work.

  • File an appeal: Follow your insurance company's appeal process, ensuring you meet all deadlines and provide any required information.

  • Seek legal advice: Consult a lawyer specializing in disability claims to help navigate the appeals process and strengthen your case.

What are the benefits of a short-term disability for mental health?

Short-term disability insurance offers several benefits, including:

  • Income replacement: Provides a portion of your salary while you cannot work due to a disability.

  • Medical coverage: Helps cover the cost of medical treatments and therapy sessions related to your condition.

  • Job security: Allows you to take time off for recovery without risking job loss.

  • Peace of mind: Reduces financial stress, allowing you to focus on your health and recovery.

  • Support for mental health: Recognizes the impact of mental health conditions and offers support specifically for these issues.


Short-term disability insurance for mental health is a valuable resource for those facing temporary disabilities, including mental health conditions. Providing income replacement and support for medical expenses allows individuals to focus on their recovery without financial strain. Understanding your policy and the claims process ensures you can fully benefit from this essential coverage.

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